by Isabella Perversi
A young loner worn down by a toxic workplace, this is a woman who doesn’t fit in anywhere. Except for when she’s with her sister. While working as a receptionist for a Melbourne property group, she has the chance to be something more. But things start to unravel when her sister falls in love and moves to Bayswater North with her new boyfriend.
When her rage can no longer be contained, who does she become?
Following the success of What Rhymes with Orange? and EMBER;
Green Room nominated performer Isabella Perversi is back with a gut punching monologue; jam packed with humour, heart and honesty.
Written and Performed by: Isabella Perversi
Directed by: Rinske Ginsberg
Dramaturg: Emma Fawcett
Produced by: Ben Andrews (The Maybe Pile)
Photography & Videography: Ross Dwyer (Mad Hatter Films)
Melbourne Fringe Festival 2022
Fringe Hub - Trades Hall Music Room – October 15 – 24
7:00pm (6pm on Sundays)